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Swimming Pool Chlorine: Help or Harm?

How it got into Your Swimming Pool

Pool chlorine is the main disinfectant for our pools used around the world. But what really is Chlorine? Chlorine or as known by its chemical symbol of Cl, is a chemical widely manufactured around the world mainly for its multitude of applications in different products. It was first discovered by Sir Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774 by mistake. In 1810, it was then formally known as Chlorine thanks to Sir Humphry Davy.

In its purest form, chlorine is a diatomic green gas. However, many different iterations of chlorine have now surfaced in the market with some more stable than the other. Due to its known sanitizing effect, it has been widely utilized for some time now in public water sanitation all around the globe. Thanks to its availability and cost-effectiveness, pool chlorine is now a mainstay in modern pool sanitation and works well in conjunction with the rise of the modern pool cleaning technology.

Benefits of Chlorine

When you think about Swimming Pool Chlorine, what would be the first thing that would plop out of your mind? The general notion among the public today with regards to chlorine is typically grim. Although this is not a shocking revelation though as Chlorine does possess some undesirables that can cause health hazards to vulnerable individuals. However, Chlorine is not all that bad at all. Having Chlorine also has it perks as it helps keep a lot of things the way they are and without it, there would be very grave complications.

So, how important really is it? Amazingly, It’s CDC-level important! Unmistakingly, the US Centers for Disease Control has even issued a statement that the “First Line of Defense against Germs that makes Swimmers sick” is none other than Chlorine. See, Chlorine actually makes your pool safer for bathing while also minimizing your chances of developing Recreational Water Illnesses. It’s like hitting two birds in one stone. Chlorine along with Robotic Pool Cleaners are actually one of the most important inventions in the modern world and without it, your bathing experience would fare much worse than the pleasant experience that it is today.

Chlorine has been the disinfectant of choice among pools in the United States for some time now since it’s very flexible and easy to control depending on your number of swimmers. What’s better is it is also cost-effective compared to other methods which would greatly benefit pool owners in the long run. And so it seems that Swimming Pool Chlorine isn’t that bad all.

Harmful Effects of Chlorine

Although Chlorine has its good perks, like a dark secret, Chlorine also possesses the necessary nasties that can make life grim for you. Swimming Pool Chlorine isn’t all that good at all. It also has a dark side. It has been known to plague unsuspecting swimmers with unwanted drawbacks. One of the unsavory types that it can bring along with it is Chloramines. Chloramines are brought about by compounds such as ammonia, those found in urine, perspiration, saliva and body oils which that react when they come in contact with Chlorine. Swimmers have been complaining about red eyes, skin irritation, sore throats, and some other discomforts and they have the Chloramines to thank for that.

Another fun fact, try visualizing Chlorine as a Chemical Weapon utilized in World War I against the allies. It’s an unsavory thought ain’t it? The thought may seem like a nightmare but it was actually a grim reality back then. It was utilized with very lethal efficiency against Allied Soldiers during the war. So why don’t you do the math and try to gloat at how Chlorine took a big leap from being one giant mean killing war machine in that part of history to one of America’s greatest defenders in the next. Ain’t that one big tragic irony? That’s Chlorine for you!

What’s much worse is that in concentrated doses, Chlorine in combination with indoor pools can create the perfect brew for bringing out that inner Asthma in you. Just put an image of someone in your mind wheezing, experiencing chest tightness and simply gasping for air. That’s what high doses of Chlorine can do to your respiratory system and it’s by no way a pleasant experience at all. Another startling fact also is that Children who frequent Chlorinated Pools are in for a ride as they are bound to develop asthma at higher likelihood that the usual. Now, that’s just something out of the ordinary!

Final Verdict: Chlorine and Pool Chlorine

After pointing out the benefits and harmful effects of chlorine, have we finally found a verdict? Have we finally decided on which axis of the plane chlorine really stands on? Sadly, no since it’s not that easy at all to just a choose a side. Because no matter how good the benefits of chlorine can be, it also has something of equally bad value it can offer for you. You see, with swimming pool chlorine, it’s like a never ending crossroad. You just can’t simply decide because you are always faced with another crossroad the moment you try to cross one. Simply, we may be asking the wrong question out of Chlorine. Amends should be made instead as in this pathway; we can make the necessary adjustments to manipulate Chlorine to the side of the Axis that we truly desire. If you desire the good side out of Pool Chlorine, you can always keep the concentration low and follow the proper guidelines. If you want bad or worse, try keeping the concentration high and groom the necessary conditions for disaster and bask in the results. It’s was simply all in your hands to decide to begin with. Simply mind-blowing ain’t it?


  1. Lentech
  2. Livestrong
  3. American Chemistry
  4. American Chemistry
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