Home » Polaris » Polaris F9550 Sport REVIEW

Polaris F9550 Sport REVIEW

Polaris F9550 Sport








Water Mixing





  • Easy lift system
  • 7-day program feature
  • 4-wheel drive technology
  • Active motion sensing
  • High vacuum power


  • No swivel
  • Easily tangled up

Every year, our technology keeps improving. Gone are the days when you had to consume almost all of your time and energy just to clean your pool. Gone are the days when you give so much of your time just to clean your pool instead of spending your time with family and friends. Indeed, the Polaris F9550 Sport is a labor-saving device. Polaris F9550 Sports is a  Robotic In-ground Pool Cleaner, a very unique robotic pool cleaner with exceptional qualities.



This cleaner has been considered as one of the most powerful pool cleaner in the market. It is powerful because of its aqua-tax tires that permit the movement regardless of the type of pool surface you have.

It’s a four-wheel drive technology, which has the capability to clean any type of pool, including pools that have steps and steep walls. Apart from that, it has a long cable length, approximately around 70’.

Active Motion Sensing

This improvement is a brilliant addition to this robotic cleaner. It seems to have a mind of its own as it senses where it has been and never goes over the same location twice in any one cycle.

Vortex Vacuum Technology

If before pool owners have issues with different debris not having been picked up by the robotic cleaner, well, this Polaris F9550 Sport Robotic In-ground Pool Cleaner has now made it possible. This technology delivers higher vacuum power compared to other models.

Easy Lift System

Another cool feature of this robotic cleaner is the easy lift system, which is remote controlled.  With just a touch of the button, it emerges to a desired location and waits for the owner to grab it.  Thus, no more heavy lift.

Additionally, this comes with a handy transport caddy so you can simply wheel it from its storage place to the pool and vice versa.

Seven-day Program

You will love the smart 7-day program feature of this robotic cleaner. You just have to set it clean for 7 days, depending upon your usage and cleaning needs. Thus, a worry-free week.

Given the advanced handy features of this robotic cleaner, though it’s convenient and easy to use, there are some drawbacks that we have discovered too.

Polaris F9550 Sport pic

Any Drawbacks?

As mentioned above, this robotic pool cleaner has a long cable length. One thing I don’t like is that it does not have a swivel and it gets tangled up. The remote control and the 7-day program may seem to become useless, as the cleaner can no longer properly move, and you have to help it break loose.

The machine may be considered really powerful, however it’s also an expensive robotic cleaner on the market today. So, if you doubt its capability, send us a message or comment below for any clarifications.

Final Thoughts

This pool cleaner, as a general is effective and well manufactured. However, this makes me feel curious, why they have not included the swivel on the 9550’s cord. Without a doubt, swivels are favorites by pool owners. Constant tangling of the cord is the main issue that needs to be addressed and fixed.

Polaris F9550 Sport is still very much worth your investment?

Yes, it offers great results and this cleaner delivers an advanced cleaning performance, even if surely there are features that still needs improvement. It’s no doubt why it’s one of the 20 best robotic pool cleaners out there and is very much worth the extra cost, so give this little beast a try.


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