Home » 4 Steps to Follow When Your Swimming Pool PVC Pipes Leak

4 Steps to Follow When Your Swimming Pool PVC Pipes Leak

Are your swimming pool PVC pipes leaking? Are you looking for ways on how to fix this troublesome problem? Don’t panic. The following steps provide you ways and options on how to fix PVC pipe leaks.

Assess where the source of the drip is located

For any problems concerning your pool PVC pipes, tracing the source of the problem should always be the initial step. From then on, we can easily acknowledge it and find the right solution. In case of pool PVC pipe leaks, looking for the source of the drip is the key. The earlier we can detect the source, the lesser the chance for the problem to maximize to other parts.

Address the problem- try to fix it yourself

You don’t have to be a pool or pipe expert to understand that leaks are due to lose connections or cracks.

If the leak is located around an elbow, it is possible that the leak is due to lose fittings. Tighten the connection and make sure the clamps are held together. Shake the pipes nicely to make sure it’s secure.

If you can find cracks, breaks, or pipe splits, use PVC cement to seal the deal. Another way is to remove the spoiled part of the pipe by using a fine blade or a hand saw. Join in a durable replacement using connector fitting at both ends. It may be an arduous task, but once you have all the right materials and correct fittings, everything will fit in place just nicely.

Give it a test. Let water run through it. If it’s leaky, screw them tightly until it stops dripping. If everything works out fine, pat yourself in the back, pool expert!

Replace bad parts and pieces

If the pipes are completely broken, and cannot be salvaged anymore, one other simple trick to solve the leak is to replace the spoiled pipe itself. Don’t wait for the rest of the sections to be broken before making a move about it.

Now, let’s go back to the first step: Assess the problem. You need to know which parts are broken. Is it the socket, the caps, T-joint, the main pipes, or the elbows? Identify them first by measuring the necessary dimensions before driving to your nearest hardware store. Take a photo and write down the specs to make sure that you are purchasing the correct piece. Ask the pipe experts in the store for advice.

There is a more easy and convenient way to purchase pool PVC pipes, fittings, valves, and accessories. You can shop online from trusted companies such as Eeziflo-Fittings.

Call your trusted pool guy

When you feel like the problem is beyond you, or if the job is too strenuous, then your local swimming pool maintenance services will be more than happy to help you. You can also contact your regular plumbing services and see if he can manage the pipe leaks accordingly. They can provide extensive repair services while you don’t have to lift a finger. The services they will render may cost depending on the degree of repair and the fees they charge. It may range not less than $160 USD. It may be quite expensive but they can guarantee that the job can be done.

Check out this Youtube video from swimmingpoollearning.com on How to Fix Leaking Swimming Pool PVC Pipes.




Pool PVC Pipes System Products

Eeziflo-Fittings provide the “eezi” way to purchase pool PVC pipes, fittings, valves and accessories with a wide range of PVC pipe system products available in both inch and metric sizes.

Eeziflo have a huge range of products available in a wide range of sizes. They stock a range of PVC pipe and fittings in both metric and imperial sizes 16mm 3/8” inch to 500mm 8” inch. With pipe in lengths of 3 meters to 6 meters, they also offer cuts to specific customer requirements with a huge selection of accessories available.

The eeziflo sales team has expert experience in the plastic pipe industry and they are just a phone call or email away and are ALWAYS happy to help with anything pipe system related.

You can get in touch with them by phone on 0113 2359970, or, for sales enquiries please contact sales@eeziflo-fittings.com.

Disclaimer: Best Robotic Pool Cleaners does NOT receive payment or compensation in any way to endorse companies, services, and offers listed above.

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